Come see my heart,
now the real work begins.
This love belongs to the moon.
Your pendulum swings
a machete through the soft poppies
a guard rail into the truck
I was driving
across the continent
in search of sacred water.
Take out your tools, woman.
Build a boat.
Sage the hearth.
Gather your poems, books, arrows, God
your art meditations
and drum
the heartbeat back
before the baby deer
was ever born.
Praise praise praise
Father Sky
Mother Crystal Cave
for the gift of a broken bough
into this sea
of you and me.
Feel the wholeness
of my own beautiful hands
which are the truest makers.
I am stronger than my lungs and bones.
The teachings come
from upturned soil.
Even this deep ache valley
will lift the warrior heart
into another realm of
open peak.
We are each filled
with innumerable Gods.
A Sacred Goddess is
Her own heart's witness
Internal mystic,
a being of light
eternally and evermore
Her own.